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ignorant girl.

下面围绕“ignorant girl.”主题解决网友的困惑

不负责任的 翻译成英语

irresponsible 天真无知的女孩子常被不负责的情人欺骗。An ignorant girl is often led on by her irresponsible lover.


ignorant怎么读:美 [ˈɪɡnərənt];英 ['ɪɡnərənt]1.ignorant girl is often ...

she is no longer the ignorant girl that she w

the ignorant girl,对girl用the限制,所以只能用that

求一篇英语作文,题目Love is blind 100字左右,急用,

When the sun slowly rises, and the other is changing the self, shuttle in the crowd, life sometimes can let a person become a bit.So, love will be blind...


and practical ability; not to study and know nothing;[例句]我知道我只不过是个平凡的不学无术的丫头,而你是个有学问的上流绅士。I know I'm a common ignoran...

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Sitting silent by my side静静的座於我身旁 Going on Holding hand沿途挽著你的手 Walking through the nights慢步整个晚上 Hold me up Hold me tight抱起我 抱紧...


eg. I am no longer that ignorant girl. 十八。程度 1. all the more 更加 eg. That makes London all the more fascinating, doesn‘t it? eg. It is all the mo...

用英文描述《爱情公寓》中的吕子乔 80词左右

will remain free, take one's ease.中文翻译:子乔身上有着一股无法忽视的混混气息子乔被誉为爱情公寓最不靠谱的男人,没有专业特长,没有正当的兴趣爱好,也没有...


问题一:懵懂用英语怎么讲 懵懂 [měng dǒng] 下面三个单词都是 muddled ignorant muddleheaded 问题二:懵懂翻译成英语怎么说? innocent 谨以此文,献给每一...

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